((--->Know that I Have my Own Blog<---))
Know that I have my own blog I see that my expectations were little compared to what it is. I think that having a blog helps me a lot on my writing skills because if I write something that doesn’t make sense or if I have spelling errors people who maybe knows more about the subject can write me a comment correcting me. Before, I thought that having a blog would be difficult because you needed to write each week one or two posts to make your blog interesting plus you needed to have your blog nice and attractive so people visit it, I couldn’t neglect my blog other wise people would never visit it. Know I think that having your blog nice and attractive is something fun to do and posting is very inspiring, I really enjoy having a blog.
When Mr. Hide told us that we were going to learn technical aspects such as how to link, to put photos ect. I was like “oh my god “ I am not prepared for that put as we learned how to do it I was surprised by all the things that we can add to our blogs and how easy that was. In conclusion to have my own blog is a very nice experience; it had leave up to my expectations and more plus it helps me a lot with my spelling, this is wasome.
When Mr. Hide told us that we were going to learn technical aspects such as how to link, to put photos ect. I was like “oh my god “ I am not prepared for that put as we learned how to do it I was surprised by all the things that we can add to our blogs and how easy that was. In conclusion to have my own blog is a very nice experience; it had leave up to my expectations and more plus it helps me a lot with my spelling, this is wasome.
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